Uncommon Approach: Delays, delays, delays…

Delays are a very frustrating part of running a record label (and being an artist). Sometimes delays can make me feel like I’m doing a really shitty job as the Owner of Uncommon Records, but they are part of life.
‘Uncommon Approach’ is a column written by Paul “Nasa” Loverro, owner of independent label Uncommon Records. With this frequent column, he gives readers an all access look at the ups and downs of running an independent Hip Hop label in this day and age. An in-depth column from the perspective of an Indie label owner.
Delays are a very frustrating part of running a record label (and being an artist). Sometimes delays can make me feel like I’m doing a really shitty job as the Owner of Uncommon Records, but they are part of life.
I’m not gonna front, this year, we haven’t put out as many releases as I would have liked. We dropped 4 projects- but that’s not even close to enough in my eyes. The main reason is because……well there is no main reason. That’s my point.
The term “It is what it is” can be very annoying, but also very accurate, which is why it’s used so much. 2009 has turned into a bit of a rebuilding year for us, or perhaps at least a staging year for 2010.
It’s hard to keep the flow rolling when your basically steering the ship solo the way I do at Uncommon. I do a lot of things to promote the label that go beyond collecting media contacts and doing traditional campaigns. From contributing to multiple blogs, updating twitter like a fiend, doing our own Podcast “Uncommon Radio”, keeping the website up to date as well- you know- actually producing music and collabbing with people- my plate is full. Then I get to actually being a label head and promoting music.
So with that said, the Uncommon name is still being branded, even without releases. Still, as all of you guys know, as an artist, delays eat away at you deep inside. Delays keep you up tossing and turning at night. This post is to let you know, your not alone. Want to hear our list of delays?
We’ve had delays on artwork, delays caused by contracts not being returned, delays on getting music done (that goes double for me with The Presence btw), one of artists and myself got into what I can only deem as a “pissing contest” earlier this year and went our separate ways resulting in a huge gap in the release schedule, we’ve even had a technical issue in the submission process for something.
So there you have it, lots of reasons for delays. As an artist- I have to teach myself that delays are part of this deal. As a label owner- I have to demand better (from myself). It’s a constant battle. So if your going through the same thing, whether it be for one project or a roster full of projects- just keep pushing. 2010 will be the year of Uncommon with all the releases we have stacking up. I’m going to try to make some lemonade in 2010 out of 2009’s lemons and create a barrage of releases in the 1Q & 2Q that will hopefully build momentum.
Sometimes things happen for a reason, including delays.
Read all columns by Paul “Nasa” Loverro HERE