Fundraiser: DJ Format – The Meeting b/w He’s Back 7″ (100% The Meters Samples)

The Meters don’t need no introduction. And for all diggers (with or without gratitude), UK DJ/producer DJ Format doesn’t need an introduction either. I admit that’s some lazy music journalism right here. But let’s continue to the music, shall we?
DJ Format just released this 7″ record with “The Meeting Pt. 1” & “He’s Back (The Meeting Pt. 2).” Both are a cut and paste track using nothing but The Meters samples and several lines from hip-hop records that sampled the funk band in the late 80s and early 90s.
All proceeds from the sale will be donated to Giselle Chamberlain’s Cancer Treatment Fund. Each record comes in a plain manila sleeve. But the illustration by Dan Lish was too good not to share.
Treat yourself with DJ Format’s 7″ here and support the cause!