Free Download: Theory Hazit – Thr3e (2012)

‘Thr3e’ is the third album in the Lord Fire series by Scribbling Idiot member Theory Hazit. Entirely produced by Dert, this album is full of storytelling, verbal action and dope beats. Ch3ck it out!
Music: Theory Hazit – I Need You More Than Ever
Theory Hazit was born and raised in Winchester Kentucky with the support of his granny, an aunt and two uncles. He always had a vivid imagination, enjoying cartoons more than music videos. He grew up with a love for New Edition, Kid ‘n’ Play, and dancing like Big Daddy Kane.
01 Thr3e
02 Find M3
03 What Li3s B3neath
04 Ol D3rty Hazit
05 Int3rlude
06 Ang3l PT.2
07 I N3ed You Mor3 Than 3ver
08 For Lack Of A B3tter Word
09 As Th3 Day Go3s By3
10 Chang3 Gonna Com3
11 Distort3d Joy
12 Doomsday Insuranc3
13 Jo Jo Danc3r