Free MP3s: Grand Agent – March Madness

You got to respect hard-working artists. With his ‘March Madness’ project, Grand Agent is one of them. This month he will release a free mp3 each day. Four down, twenty-seven to go! “March Madness is what they call the college basketball playoffs in the USA”, says Grand Agent to The Find Magazine. “I just had the idea to do a new song every day. My own madness…”
You got to respect hard-working artists. With his ‘March Madness’ project, Grand Agent is one of them. This month he will release a free mp3 each day. Four down, twenty-seven to go!
“March Madness is what they call the college basketball playoffs in the USA”, says Grand Agent to The Find Magazine. “I just had the idea to do a new song every day. My own madness…”
After March Madness we’ll publish a full-length interview with Grand Agent on this site. Stay tuned for that and keep an eye on all the free tracks below.
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