Video: Sinitus Tempo – Blue Alley Waltz

In anticipation of the upcoming album The Final Odyssey, one of Sinitus Tempo‘s most abstract beats gets a psychedelic video painstakingly put together over a 3 month period. Collaborating with animator Ben Luce, Sinitus has crafted an audiovisual experience to bend your mind into a mescaline soaked pretzel.
“Blue Alley Waltz” has roots in jazz, as can be expected from Sinitus Tempo, but the percussion and interplay of layered samples evoke a more experimental vibe than usual. The resulting beat is sonically more aligned with trip hop or futurebeats movements than straight boom bap.
Free flowing animation only augments the otherworldly soundscapes and guides your mind through a kaleidoscopic world with frequent unexpected turns. This is one to watch on a big screen with the lights out and an herbal enlightenment tonic.