Contest: Win Analogue Monsta’s ‘Boom’ on exclusive vinyl

Record label Scion A/V hooked us up with 10 vinyl records of Boom by eclectic pair Suzi Analogue and TOKiMONSTA. Their collective background of hip hop, electronic music, psych rock & R&B has blown both minds and speakers alike and results in this double 10″ vinyl release.
This vinyl release by the L.A.-meets-Philly twosome is not for sale, so it’s a must-have for vinyl collectors and fans of the experimental duo. But that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the melting pot of pulsating rhythms and vocal sweetness: Boom is still available as free download.
1. ‘Like’ Analogue Monsta and The Find Magazine on Facebook
2. Show us that you’re a true vinyl collector or a fan of TOKiMONSTA and/or Suzi Analogue
Make a photo of your music collection (with Suzi Analogue and TOKiMONSTA releases if you have ’em!) and post it on our Facebook wall, tweet it to us, or send it to monsta [@] thefindmag dot com.
UPDATE: All winners are contacted through email. Congrats!