Winners: Damu The Fudgemunk 7″ record contest

First of all, thanks to everyone who participated on our ‘Brooklyn Flower’ 7″ contest! We’ve received a lot of humbling e-mails, creative photos and eager fans. It’s amazing to see that Damu has got such a solid fan base! And because of that, Damu has some exciting news: “The rules were that The Find Mag would randomly pick two winners. After checking the entries, I was so impressed to see the collections of some of my supporters, I couldn’t help but personally pick extra winners and I will send their prizes myself.”
First of all, thanks to everyone who participated on our ‘Brooklyn Flower’ 7″ contest! We’ve received a lot of humbling e-mails, creative photos and eager fans. It’s amazing to see that Damu has got such a solid fan base!
And because of that, Damu has some exciting news: “The rules were that The Find Mag would randomly pick two winners. After checking the entries, I was so impressed to see the collections of some of my supporters, I couldn’t help but personally pick extra winners and I will send their prizes myself.”
With that said, congratulations to Del (aka Soulcondor), Brian B, Phil Salzmann, Scott Hanau and Pim ‘Ofniet’!! We’ll contact you shortly to make sure you get your copy of the ‘Brooklyn Flower’ 7″ as soon as possible.
Special thanks to Redefinition Records, Damu and Richard Smith of Slice Of Spice Records for this contest. Check out a compilation of all entries below and keep coming back to, because we have a very special collaboration with REDEF in store for you later this year… Too lazy to come back? Then follow or friend us!