Free Download: Suhov & Mil – Dusty Hungarian Soundbytes (2012)

A few weeks ago we posted about a free collection of Suhov instrumentals from underground Hungarian rap. That release functioned as a teaser for this new LP collaboration with another Hungarian beatmaker Mil.
Western music was officially blocked from entering Hungary in the 70s but funk and jazz still made it to an underground club scene. Suhov and Mil have mined the crates for ultra rare breaks and grooves from that era and recreated the vibe with an updated hip hop style.
1. Ördög (Devil) 02:50
2. Meccs (Match) 01:44
3. Út (Road) 01:28
4. Soha (Never) 02:39
5. Zene nélkül (Without music) 02:43
6. Rejtett zug (Secret Place) 02:01
7. Fütyülök rá (I don’t care a damn) 02:00
8. Szivárvány (Rainbow) 02:14
9. Kiáltozás (The Scream) 02:28
10. Zöld Wartburg (Green Wartburg) 03:06
11. Fénysugár (Ray) 02:34
12. Levél (Leaf) 03:00
13. Pénz Bábel (Money Babel) 02:47
14. Az utcán (On the street) 03:01
15. Estefelé (At Night) 03:13
16. Jóbarát (Good Friend) 01:47
17. Színes éjszakák (Colorful Nights) 02:33
18. Szerenád (Serenaide) 01:31
19. Kígyó (Snake) 01:56
20. Nathalie Ütem (Nathalie Beat) 02:02
21. Svihák (Wide boy) 00:51
22. Várok (Waiting) 02:10
23. Röpke percek (Ephemeral minute) 02:55
24. Könnyű (Easy) 01:49
25. Próbáld ki (Try it) 01:46
26. Bázis (Base) 01:42
27. Ki vagy (Who are you) 02:51
28. Modern idők (Modern Era) 02:44