Free MP3s: Live Percenters – Classicool (ft. Boog Brown)

The up-and-coming Live Percenters are preparing to release their new album The Corners Involved in February. To hold us over until it drops the group (consisting of DJ/producer DukesGoUp and emcees I-be4Evr, Physical Graffiti and Mellow Drum Addict) has made the new single “Classicool” available for free download.
Guest vocals come from Boog Brown, best known for her collaborative album with Apollo Brown, Brown Study. The download includes two remixes by DuxesGoUp and UK beatmakers Jazz Spastiks.
1. Classicool 03:39
2. Classicool (DGU’s Nyte Time Mix) 03:55
3. Classicool (Jazz Spastiks Respazz) 04:19