Free MP3: Lotte Kestner – Payphone Patience (J’lectroniq Remix)

We’re happy to finally work on a full-fledged collaboration with fellow Dutchie J’lectroniq. His downtempo remix of “Payphone Patience” by Anna-Lynne Williams, who goes by the artistic name of Lotte Kestner, is the first step to a forthcoming free EP titled Left Yesterday, to be released by the end of September.
The title Left Yesterday reflects the creative process of half of the tracks on the EP, mainly created on the road. Traveling back and forth from Amsterdam to Groningen to be exact, J’lectroniq’s hometowns.
Jasper Bosgraaf a.k.a. J’lectroniq: “This remix of ‘Payphone Patience’ symbolizes my feeling of not really fitting in, because I’m constantly on the road between two places to live. I’ve translated that sentiment to this track: it’s not your typical hip hop beat, but it was the basis for my remix while being inspired on various locations and by different things at the places I call ‘home’. This remix shows my personal broadening of the genre, just like on my previous record ‘Psychasthenia’.”
Unlike So Far So Gone and The Find favourite Psychasthenia, the upcoming EP is not part of J’lectroniq’s Tales Of A Dreamer series. It stands on its own and consists of new and previously unreleased material. Next month he is on tour with Dutch indie platform Popronde, so catch him live at Nijmegen (13/9), Zwolle (14/9) or Deventer (28/9) if you’re nearby.