Free MP3: Ugly Duckling & Pigeon John – Audacity (Rare Part 3)

Gotta love it when readers recommend new music to us, instead of the other way. Benoit from France reached out to us to tell us about this rare third chapter of Ugly Duckling’s ‘Audacity’. The first two parts appeared on Yudee’s same-titled 2008 album, but this one is previously unreleased. As a bonus, it also features Pigeon John! Download it below, which comes with a promising message: “New album coming 2011!”
Gotta love it when readers recommend new music to us, instead of the other way. Benoit from France reached out to tell us about this rare third chapter of Ugly Duckling’s ‘Audacity’.
Music: Ugly Duckling – Audacity (Part 3 ft. Pigeon John)
The first two parts appeared on Yudee’s same-titled 2008 album, but this one is previously unreleased. As a bonus, it also features Pigeon John! Download it below, which comes with a promising message: “New album coming 2011!”