Lone Catalysts – Different Cities (Free Download)

Remember the days of roaming around the blogosphere? The days of endlessly downloading music via services like Rapidshare (R.I.P.) or What.CD (R.I.P.)? The days of sharing hip hop on message boards or in a tiny chat box on a Blogspot-blog?
Well, I do. And that’s the gust of nostalgia I had after finding this new track by Lone Catalysts. Back then their Square Binizz album and J. Rawls’ Liquid Crystal Project series were personal favorites, while keeping an ear out for other solo projects by producer J. Rawls and emcee J. Sands.
Quite a lot of people dub J. Rawls a “maestro” instead of a producer. That sounds like an exaggerated use of words by an overly-enthusiastic PR agent, but in a way it does make sense if you look at the way he treats beats. Having worked with the likes of Fat Jon, Masta Ace, Declaime & Count Bass D, his productions always feel warm and organic, staying far away from lengthy MPC patterns, and swiftly leaning on his jazz, funk and soul records by subtly using the right samples. With most notably his production for Black Star’s “Brown Skin Lady“.
And it’s still no different with their new track “Different Cities”. It’s the first song off their upcoming album CULTURE, celebrating the five elements of hip hop.