Mix: Stay Thirsty Episode 34
Looking for some tunes to quench your thirst? Well the latest episode of Stay Thirsty is here to do just that. Let the smooth sounds reestablish your endogenous fluid balance and satisfy your craving for dope hip hop.
This episode is introduced with a bit of comedic jesting about vinyl records and “underground” music from the Bondi Hipsters before delving into some jazzy goodness by Quantic and Alice Russell and swimming through tracks by RxN, Aim, Art Vandelay, Bei-Ru, Al Quetz and many more. Some brief touches of futuristic electronic based hip hop appear by way of Ta-Ku and Morpheground.
Be sure to check out our very own Akela the Lone Wolf in this selection, a super chillin’ dude and a beatmaker as well as contributer to The Find Magazine. Enjoy the podcast, and always remember to stay thirsty my friends.