Mix: RYAN – The Smylie Family Recommends (2011)

Music enthusiast Ryan Edwards hosts his own radio show on local student radio station Fresh Air in Edinburgh (UK). Entitled ‘The Light Hour‘, the show is focused on new school material and a lot of modern day instrumentals (though it’s kinda nostalgic), preferably taken from free releases.
Since his music taste seems like a smooth match with The Find, we’re glad Ryan reached out to us to collaborate. The brief ‘The Smylie Family Recommends’ mix is the first and hopefully not the last. A very fresh and surprising selection complemented with related audio clips.
Reincarnate – Has-Lo [prod Audible Doctor]
One bad Apple – Dakota
Knee Hurts Kilt Me – Small Prof
Priority (100 Akres Remix) – Mos Def
That Feeling (Death Grips Remix) – SKYWLKR & BLACKNOI$E
Gripped Up (Death Grips Remix) – SKYWLKR & BLACKNOI$E
Prenup – 100 Akres feat. Joose
Roses (Audible Doctor remix) – OutKast
Stakes Is High – Amerigo Gazaway from Gummy Soul