A Live Rework of Wu-Tang’s ‘C.R.E.A.M.’ by Amerigo Gazaway (Video)

Amerigo Rules All Music Around Him. A.R.A.M.A.H? Never mind, C.R.E.A.M. is more catchy. But still: Amerigo Gazaway does rule music around him. Whether it’s with mashups, remixes, or this time by way of recreating a classic from scratch.
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of “C.R.E.A.M.” by Wu-Tang Clan, he recorded a live rework with electric bass, guitar, keys, trumpet (it’s in his genes as the son of trumpeter Gary “El Buho” Gazaway), a turntable, M-Audio drum pad, and organ.
Watch the full rework below, or subscribe to his Bandcamp to download the track and instrumental.