Video: Flying Lotus – Until The Quiet Comes (Short Film Directed by Khalil Joseph)

FlyLo‘s upcoming LP, Until The Quiet Comes, is already hyped, but this video will only serve to boost that excitement beyond the stratosphere. The visuals are wonderfully haunting and hold and eerie beauty that portrays the emotion pouring forth through the new Lotus instrumentals.
At the time of writing, the top comment on YouTube is a very interesting personal interpretation of the video. Check out the incredible short art film below and then read ZeblsSporadic’s comment below.
“Interpretation: A young man is murdered and has a flashback to his happiest moments as a child inspecting a pool of his new house. The pain of the gunshot shatters the memory but he overcomes to grasp a second of nostalgic friendship. After accepting his fate his spirit celebrates the fact it is no longer bound by mortal limitations by dancing before moving on to travel the rest of the reality. Bubbles reaching the surface underwater represents the spirit leaving the body for a new existence.”