Free MP3: Monophonics – $2.50

If you can sit still while listening to this, then we assume Funk isn’t your cup of tea. Bay Area funk band Monophonics are about to release the album ‘Into The Infrasounds’, which you can stream in its entirely on Bandcamp.
If you can sit still while listening to this, then we assume Funk isn’t your cup of tea. Bay Area funk band Monophonics is about to release the album ‘Into The Infrasounds’, which you can stream in its entirely on Bandcamp.
We stumbled upon this release because Kelly Finnigan of Destruments is involved, but the entire crew sounds great. If you are from the Bay, then don’t forget to go to the ‘Into The Infrasounds’ release party with guest appearances by Karl Denson (Greyboy Allstars), Mic Gillette (Tower of Power), Grillade, Jonathan Korty (Vinyl) and DJ Colt 45.
Luckily for you, Monophonics offers two songs for free: ‘Loose Nukes’ featuring saxophonist Karl Denson and ‘$2.50’. Personally we like the last mentioned track the most, so that’s why we share that with you.