Guest Mix: FloFilz – Daiquiri

What better way to conclude your weekend and start the new week than with a mix of dusted jazz magic? German beatmaker FloFilz is the curator of our latest guest mix of hip hop gems. Embedded within this 50 minutes of blended bliss is a cocktail of breezy sugar coated instrumentals, an auditory Daiquiri if you will.
FloFilz has been making some waves around the web with his refined style of jazz boom bap, beats that are laid back like a hammock, but bang as hard as Ron Jeremy. With two releases under his belt, keineideeistneu and Duplex (with Pawcut), the future is looking mighty tasty for the ears of fans. This guest mix showcases the sounds that swirl around in the mind of FloFilz. His influences range from the jazz of 74 Miles Away to the beats of contemporaries like Brous One, Figub Brazlevic, WunTwo, Melodiesinfonie, and others. The photograph on the cover was provided by Don Drilsaenn.