Video: yU, Raheem Devaughn, Oddisee & More – Clock’s Ticking

The good people over at Nomadic Wax connected with DC’s finest for “Clock’s Ticking”, showcasing the diversity of the hip hop scene in Washington DC. The track features Raheem Devaughn, yU, Oddisee, Tabi Bonney, Noyeek the Grizzly Bear, Draus, and Laelo.
With DC legend Raheem Devaughn holding down the soulful chorus and local producer Choppy Choppe on the beat, the track celebrates the game of Chess in honor of local community arts organization Words, Beats & Life’s annual Bumrush the Boards Chess Tournament. The song’s title is a reference to the concept of “beating the clock”, a style of chess play in which opposing players are challenged between moves by a time clock.