Video Interview: Oxygen (of Soundsci)

Thursday 4th April was cold in Bristol (UK), unseasonably so, but word was there was a special little something going on that night, bringing a bit of heat to the occasion. That something was Edan and Oxygen, fresh over in the UK for only a few dates together, including this intimate little number.
The billing was ominous and the place packed, crowds eager to catch a glimpse of one of most respected underground names of the past 15 years spin a few tunes alongside true hip hop head Oxygen a.k.a. Ox The Architect, who’s part of collectives like Soundsci, Sputnik Brown, SPOX PhD (with DJ Spinna), and Vinyl Veterans. Little did they know what was in store…
“Expect a lot of energy,” warned Ox pre-show, and damn was he right. Stepping in mid-way through Edan’s DJ set, the pair combined to royally kick things off, genuinely one of the most fun shows I’ve seen in a while. With a few recognisable numbers in there and a whole lot of jamming you could see this was two big talents and most importantly, two good friends bouncing off each other for the entertainment of all involved.
This was real hip hop with no gimmicks, born out of the “days before it happened” jam recording, an instore at Academy records, NYC and a whole lotta love for the scene, and the UK appreciated it. Raw, live and funky: this had everything from Edan’s deck juggling and freestyling down to Ox bringing the house down with “Gone Digging“. Shouts must also go to Bristol’s own Mr Fantastic for fine representation, and it truly was a shame when the event had to end.
I think I can safely speak on behalf of the Bristol in saying I’m glad this show happened, and I’m glad it was in a tight little venue like this. Keep your eyes open as these artists are very much alive right now, but if you want a little something to whet the appetite, watch this short video interview for The Find Magazine, conducted by Aglowfilms and yours truly.