The Find Premiere: Ghostnaut, Kid Abstrakt & L’Indécis – Voyage

Following Kid Abstrakt’s guest appearance on Ghostnaut‘s previous album, From Montreal to Welly, and L’Indécis’ remix of the same track, the three got back together for a new track, Voyage. A musical journey from the Canadian producer to the US emcee and French producer.
Ghostnaut: “I started the track at Singapore Airport. I was coming back to Canada from a long stay in New-Zealand and I was feeling a bit nostalgic at the time. I had my little MIDI-controller and a laptop with Ableton on it. So I found a cool spot during my layover in Singapore and I started looking for mellow chord progressions on keys. I had a lot of hours to wait, so I just built a decent skeleton of the track adding laid-back drums and a few horn samples.”
“Both Kid Abstrakt and L’Indécis really added their own personality to the track: L’indécis is a guitar maestro so he added the right arrangements supporting the vibe just as you would wish. A perfect dosage and adding this neo-soul flavor to it. With Kid Abstrakt, I discussed the theme of ‘Voyage’ via email and he just made the lyrics fit the idea of traveling and discovering other countries. He makes you want to fly away on the chorus with this great energy. I love his flow on that track.”