Mix: DJ Magič – Stealin’ Format (DJ Format Tribute – Diggers Side)

“A mixtape celebrating the genius of DJ Format” coming out of the Czech Republic.
Earlier today, DJ Magič reached out to us with this new two-part mix together with DJ Wavezz. Their reasoning for the Diggers/Breakers mixes is quite personal: “DJ Format used a lot of Czechoslovakian samples on his first two albums. That’s what we really like being born there. To us, DJ Format is really one of the best DJs, producers, and diggers of all time. We also had a nice chat about those samples [with Matt] and found out that we have a common friend from Southern England, who Matt actually called ‘king digger’.”
Magič and Wavezz have been DJ’ing together since 2011, mainly focused on funk, hip-hop, original breaks and samples, but also exploring jazz, Latin, and other genres.
Listen to DJ Magič‘s first part of the mix here featuring selected DJ Format tracks and original Czechoslovakian samples: